Planning to upgrade the look of your landscape? Adding mulch can enhance its curb appeal. We provide a wide variety of mulch colors and materials to suit your needs and budget.
We provide a wide variety of mulch colors and materials available:
- Colored – Red, Black, Walnut
- Cedar
- Hardwood or chipped wood
- Woodchips
- Natural shredded
New Horizon Lawn Services is a full-service landscape company that specializes in creating beautiful outdoor spaces for our clients. We offer a wide range of services to help you create the perfect outdoor living space, including mulching
Mulching is a great way to add top-of-the-line mulch to your landscape. Mulch helps provides nutrients to the soil and improves its health. It also adds beauty to your property and can increase curb appeal. Our mulches come in many different colors, styles, and textures so you can match your existing landscaping perfectly! We have many options available, including colored mulch and natural shredded or chipped wood mulch.